Sulzer Pump Retrofit Secures Flare Knockout Pump Reliability

21.11.2023 -

To ensure the profitability of offshore oil and gas extraction, operators require equipment to perform reliably throughout long periods between maintenance intervals. When an international oil company (IOC) was experiencing short mean time between failures (MTBF) for its liquified petroleum flare knockout vessel pumps on an offshore platform in Malaysia, the business approached Sulzer for a pump retrofit to safeguard uptime.

Pump Maintenance – Ignore It at Your Peril

15.11.2023 -

Regular pump system maintenance is essential to prevent significant cost and reputational issues. Thomas Marks, General Manager at the Association for Electrical and Mechanical Trades (AEMT) looks at several issues that poor pump maintenance can lead to and outlines some of the key steps that can be taken to minimise the chance of them emerging.